
Mate; I've been reading for over a week to understand some concept.

All I have after all this time, is existential dread, lack of self-esteem and a fear of being too stupid to ever understand this concept. 😤

  • 5
    Maybe it's just bullshit
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    @electrineer it's one of those less used ML concepts. Chances are, it ain't bullshit just not well explained.
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    One can read tomes in a day (figuratively). Something like this concept just screams to be improved by enthusiastic hand, if it takes you a week.
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    @NoMad intrigued, what concept? My go to approach is to try to implement stuff from scratch in python (easier said than done, some of the explanations of even common concepts are bad)
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    @atheist probabilistic neural nets
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    That you are not understanding it is probably a good sign that you are learning something new. With it being badly explained might just mean it is pretty new. That being said if you write a blog about it breaking it down and explaining it better you might get some good traction on it.
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    Have you found any videos maybe on the topic? Sometimes getting a visual on a difficult topic can help things "click" from what you've read.
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    Documentation is the result of the thought process of an individual written for the individual.

    Good documentation is the result of the thought process of an individual written for any individual who has the necessary background information.


    Sometimes it just doesn't make click because the readers mind is entirely different wired than the writers mind.
  • 1
    I've been reading through some Azure courses. Some are just wtf in written form. I know this stuff but the way it's written is a constant struggle to piece together what in earth is the sentence trying to convoy. Other courses are just a breeze to read as the sentences actually make sense.

    Could be that the writer is from some other language background so they think in weird sentence structure. Or an arsehole wanting to seem smarter than they are making it look like they're smart and you dumb by intentionally using complicated language.
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    I think IntrusionCM got it best. I also think it's a matter of difference in world views. Sometimes you just have to spend time to see things from someone else's perspective or rather, be able to think as if you're in their head. But also, logical topics should be easy to understand, but nobody actually wastes time explaining all the background information and their connection. They all just cover immediate relevant background. And sometimes that's just not enough.
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