
Consume plenty of beer, both at the office and at home.

  • 6
    Thats a good tip sy :D
  • 4
  • 2
    How about some cocainun?
  • 4

    Perfect if you need to work hard for a while
  • 5
    @Linux work "hard"... And they told me I'm not being proper when I was working while having a boner. 🤨
  • 1
    @Archive just make it stay under the desk and not lift the desk.
  • 3
    No, sorry., Alcohol, even in low amounts or infrequently, harms your brain permanently. I think this casual admiration for booze/drugs should end in the internet. Or opposed with facts.

    Addictions are never cool bros and sisses!
  • 1
    @aviophile mine was a pun and I support your mesaage!
  • 0
    @melezorus34 mine is too big. It lifts. 👀
  • 1
    @Archive put more o'reilly tomes on the desk.
  • -1

    Go back to school, nobody cares.
  • 1
    @Linux go back to AA. And from some upvotes and your answer, I can say multiple people care.

    Remember friends: alcohol and drugs harm you definitely. It is not cool, it makes you miserable.
  • 1
    @aviophile yes! I’ve been trying to tell people this *sips triple vodka*
  • 0
    @melezorus34 unfortunately, not many agree. Smoking, alcohol, drugs are nearly advertised as cool and mature, or only way to socialize and abstinence is shunned.
  • 1
    @aviophile actually, at least studies show that drinking red wine in moderation could help lower risk of certain heart problems.

    Some studies also show that moderate use of certain drugs is linked to better mental health in the long run. 🍁
  • 2
    @Archive the problem is when I smoke the next day all I want to do is be a farmer instead of code
  • 2
    @phat-lasagna for that use case, yeah nah mate you should defo stop smoking. And send them greeneries to me. 😜
  • 3
    Also, if you don't want to drink or smoke, sure go ahead. It's your choice. But to say "they will harm you" without knowing the use case, is just being as shortsighted as the ones who don't accept you for not drinking or smoking.
  • 1
    @Archive where ya at? We will create a startup 😉
  • 1
    @phat-lasagna Currently in northern Europe. Unfortunately I don't speak the local language so it gets a tad hard to find good stuff. But also, I will be abstaining for a while (starting next week, actually) because I need to force myself to be bored enough to get to work on some sciency stuff.
  • 2

    Go back to church and dont bother other people.
  • 1
    Apparently I am an alcoholic because I drink beer.
  • 1
    So is it an anonymous alcoholics meeting now?
    Hello, I drink Kahlua.
  • 1

    Here we drink but we dont present ourselves
  • 0
    @Archive tell me one case where smoking/drinking/addictive drugs help you. Someone points a gun to your head and shoot if you don’t use substance maybe?
  • 1
    @Linux cheers 🍻
  • 1

    There is some evidence that moderate amounts of alcohol might help to slightly raise levels of “good” HDL cholesterol. Researchers have also suggested that red wine, in particular, might protect the heart, thanks to the antioxidants it contains.

    But you don’t have to pop a cork to reap those benefits. Exercise can also boost HDL cholesterol levels, and antioxidants can be found in other foods, such as fruits, vegetables and grape juice.


    Also, those studies do not take non obvious conditions like income/stress level. And we all know I am talking about glorification of alcohol intake. Why using sophistry to give a singular example with not so clear results?
  • 0
    @aviophile you used a general statement to say they're just "bad" so I pointed out that they also do good. But it's like saying "sugar is bad".
    Beside, abstaining from pleasure over a long period of time just causes adverse mental health effects. You say you don't enjoy them, I say fair. I say I enjoy them, and instead of tolerance, you go with a "no, you're wrong, they're just bad". I'm not getting the vibe that you're actually sharing, rather that you want to preach. So do preach, but it's a free society, others also get to voice their opinion too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 0
    @aviophile who cares? We live for too damn long to care
  • 0
    @Linux why is this ad hominem type attacks coming from you? First I am a school kid, then I must be religious because i oppose glorification of harmful substances?

    Can an atheist not oppose to harmful substances?
  • 1
    @Archive just wear huff socks everyday and then people will get the idea lol
  • 0
    @Archive i said alcohol is bad. You said red wine is good. Red wine has something that slightly increases some molecules thst helps heart. Those molecules are in grapes also. Do those researches say anything about remaining effects like on brain, liver, other organs? You talk like red wine is proven(even in moderation) net good for your overall health?

    There were “researches” that proved tobacco was good for your health.

    Also, I am not suggesting going cold Turkey for alcoholics. I am not a doctor. Addiction recovery is not one of my points. Feel free to quote me in any of my posts suggesting otherwise.@Archive @Archive
  • 1
    @aviophile so in your opinion, any form of consumption of alcohol is alcoholism?
  • 1

    you are trying to preach your anti-alcohol shit in my rant, go away.

    People like you just makes me drink hard than every before, you will not turn anyone around
  • 1

    Yes he thinks so.

    He is catholic or something.
  • 0

    Oh btw, are you an atheist?
  • 1
    jesus fucking christ, let people enjoy life, @aviophile .

    Life is already boring and short as it is.
    I don't support consuming alcohol as in refuse to drink or /to make/ someone drink.
    I won't do shit when ppl lights their cigarettes either. Just don't go overboard or smoke inside or just lose your cool.

    That's all.
  • 0
    @Archive no. Alcoholism is defined better than that. I am talking aboot glorification of alcohol. No strawman or “so what you are saying” type of argument please
  • 0
    @Linux there is no “your” rant. Welcome to the internet.
  • 0
    @Linux i am a deist.
  • 0
    @melezorus34 if some people glorify alcohol publicly, I have a right to oppose that. I am not against drinkers. I am against glorifiers, advertisers.

    Do people even read what I wrote or do they read what other thinks what I wrote?
  • 0
    @Linux also, I am trying to warn other people about dangers of alcohol and drugs. If you say you drink more after you hear me, it doesn’t really weaken my argument.
  • 1
    To be fair to @aviophile, alcohol is statistically the most dangerous drug on earth, but also I don’t think you will gain anything from policing what people decide to talk about.
  • 2

    Ofcourse you are a deist.
    Told you.

    Now dont bother me when a consume this strong beer so I can forget about lunatics like you.
  • 2
    Why is it that people manage to turn a joke post meant to be funny into a fucking bullshit argument always.
  • 1
    i even make alcohol at home
  • 1

    Good, it is good for you
  • 0
    @phat-lasagna do you think I am policing? I don’t have the power to stop people from glorification. Only providing my counter arguments on a public forum.
  • 0
    @Linux you told all I was a catholic… is that negative effect on short term memory from some substance?
  • 0

    It is ;)
  • 1

    It was an insult. Glad you took it that way
  • 0
    @Linux that is how dead neurons sound, huh?
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