New AltRant update!

You can join the TestFlight here: https://testflight.apple.com/join/...

New Features:
- Weekly Group Rants are here! Now you can finally receive news about and take part in Weekly Group Rants through AltRant.

Other changes:
- Updated the SwiftRant library to v2.0, an update that was long time coming. Thanks to @Lensflare's contributions and suggestions for the SwiftRant library, both of us improved the quality of the library by a metric fuck ton, and more improvements are still on their way.

Known Issues:
- Downvoting is (still) broken. this issue will be fixed in a later update.
- Some of the layout in the Subscribed feed is a little broken. This will be fixed in a later update.
- The Profile screen's small title flickers in and out of existence under some circumstances. This will be fixed in a later update.

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    I am in for testing.
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    Tested on IOS , iphone13 the bottom navigation bar crash constantly.
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    @johnmelodyme iPhone 13 Pro looks good, maybe you need an upgrade 😂

    @OmerFlame is there any way to control the feed sorting?

    Stories tab loads "bruh +n" 🤷‍♂️
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    @C0D4 right now, the sorting feature in the home feed is not implemented yet, not in the app and not in the API lib, but the next update will be focused on bug fixes, QoL improvements and the addition of features like sorting, filtering and searching.

    Also, about the Stories page... yeah that's a placeholder for now. I used that empty screen for some experimentation with internal, undocumented views. :P
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    @johnmelodyme can you explain the issue more clearly? I am starting to have an idea of the issue that you're experiencing but I need further context...
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    @johnmelodyme I just looked at my crash reports, I can see that you reported a bunch. I will look at it ASAP!
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    @OmerFlame as a QoL update, and something I noticed quickly, there's no dates or hints to how old posts / comments are.
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    @C0D4 I am starting to pile a list of things that will be in the next big update. I think that the immediate next update would just be a fix for @johnmelodyme's issues because that's a really bad bug
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    @OmerFlame I see . So far the UI looks great. If there’s a dark mode will be even more elegant.
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    @johnmelodyme dark mode seems to follow the iOS day / night mode,

    I couldn't find a override in the app though.
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    @OmerFlame yea cool, totally get severity over QoL 😅
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    @C0D4 I just realised it 😂
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    @johnmelodyme good evening to you too then 😂
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    I seriously prefer this version than the official devRant now .
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    @johnmelodyme this is the **BIGGEST** compliment I can get! Thank you so much for your appreciation!!
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    @OmerFlame you deserve it !!! Because …
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    In the official version I can’t do this.
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    @johnmelodyme that reminds me! I need to disable the double tap to select and make it only long tap to select, I want to reserve double taps for upvoting.

    Added to the list of things to do.
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    This is more simpler than the official app
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    @OmerFlame another one badass feature is that add on SiriKit integration with Siri to post rant and READ RANTS OUT LOUD. Jkjkjkjk just kidding
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    @OmerFlame out of curiosity, has anyone found the subscribed members list endpoint? It's be awesome to see who we have actually subscribed to 😅
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    @C0D4 I've yet to see even the official app send a request to get the list of users a user is subscribed to.
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    @johnmelodyme I AM MAKING THIS OMFG YES

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    @C0D4 I subscribed to you.
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    @johnmelodyme I can't subscribe to you 😔

    I only get, "unsubscribe"
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    @jespersh Have an update about the downvoting thing:


    I reverse-engineered the behavior of the downvote button and the downvote server request and even the official app behaves the same way. This is on @dfox to fix…
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