How much do you guys use CLI and why?

I did learn a bit of terminal as well as cmd as a hobby, but now I don't use cli that much anymore, maybe sometimes for git or fixing some issues... perhaps that's because:
1. I use windows
2. I am a .Net developer

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    All the time. It's so much more efficient than using a gui.. (linux user)
  • 7
    All the time. I manage multiple servers all through the terminal and I like to touch my mouse as little as possible! Even when I'm in a graphical file manager and want to copy some files or so I rather open a terminal right there haha! Php/node backend dev and security guy by the way
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    All the time, even on Windows, too useful for tools like grep, git, much faster directory navigation, bring able to keep my hands on the keyboard as much as possible... It's just much more efficient for all things code related once you know what you're doing.
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    @Zaphod65 You use Windows and you choose to use grep?!?!?! Oh man.
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    I did a course about C and we had use clang and and make on linux. So I was using terminal quite frequently... I guess it depends on the job (programmer, sysadmin...) and the language/tools available and of course personal preferences
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    For .NET and Java I do everything with the IDE's butttons.
    But for scripted langs like nodejs and python, I do EVERYTHING but file editing in the command prompt.
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    I pretty use nothing but the terminal on Linux

    But on Windows, I handle everything via the UI (mainly because cmd.exe just sucks)
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    I only touch the mouse when absolutely required.
    Everything is keyboard shortcuts and cli 💜

    (Though sadly, Windows configuration is easier through guis.)
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    @runfrodorun You're consistently pretty awesome. I should seriously try to befriend you. 🙂
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    @runfrodorun just wanted to chime in - there is a terminal called "babun" its a sexier version of Cygwin.
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    @runfrodorun I regret to say that no, I don't use PGP -- perhaps after I rid myself of Win7. I'm comfortable enough with putty, however ~

    Also: thanks! 😊
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    CLI >50% of my day. Why, because job submission and queue management of compute clusters.

    And the rest of the time I don't mouse, I roll!
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    For git I definetly prefer powershell because the git/github extension to visual studio sucks a lot...

    Also, I really hate computer mouses and I prefer to "shortcut" everything, so the terminal makes it a lot more easier.
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    Maximum of UI I got is i3wm and Vivaldi, everything else is CLI, from writing in uni to my best code
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    I prefer CLI for most parts. For viewing git history and selecting files for staging I use GitKraken, but I commit in cli using commitizen. I also have several servers I manage with ssh, and of course since I mostly develop backend in node, theres a lot of cli involved :)
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    I don't very much like CLI for the most part, since there is a lot of memorization required, instead of just clicking a button.

    There are 2 things that made me use CLI :
    - Jenkins, to have automated builds. You pretty much need a script once you start going further than the default case
    - server administration. You need ssh, end of story. Even if you only use a PaaS, you will need to know your way around the CLI

    For git, I do 90% with GUI, and the 10% that the GUI doesn't handle well is done in CLI.

    As a general rule of thumb, 90% of the "normal" work can be done with a proper GUI, and if you exceed that, you'll need to know CLI for the 10% not easily done in GUI.
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    95% terminal
    5% firefox
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    98% -> cli
    no mouse -> 99%
    I need gui if that program works best on mouse. (ex, inkscape, piskel, godot engine)
    most of program I regularly use is TUI/CLI (ex. git, vim, cmus, newsbeuter, mps-youtube, youtube-dl, mpv, tty-clock, htop, df, acpi, free, reboot, shutdown, ranger, tmux, alsamixer, man, fbi, feh, rtv, weechat, elinks, lynx, ag)
    99% no mouse -> thanks to these tui/cli programs and cdm, i3wm, rofi)
    firefox -> i use vimfx so i can use vim like keybinding (basicly no mouse)
    in no graphical env (plain tty) -> mainly use cli/tui 100% with tmux as term multiplexer to save battery on the go.
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    @dontbeevil I dont use cli git to feel cool -> I use it to avoid mouse usage.
    (I once do game jam straight 1 weeks -> holding mouse to change cursor in gui text editor, change window position and select active window cause my hand pain than typing)
    (avoid mouse at any cost since that day)
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    @dontbeevil Not sure though, but I feel noticeable less pain after long working with ditching mouse. (So, I'll stick with that xD)
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    @Ashkin I'd argue that depending on your level of competency, any OS configuration is easier through the UI.
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    @drRoss "that depending on your level of competency, any OS configuration is easier through the UI."
    Are you saying that people who use the terminal for os config are less competent than those that use the GUI? I'd say it's just the opposite.
    ppl who use the terminal don't just use it to be fancy you know...
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    @runfrodorun This might have been the case previously, but not anymore. Not in respect of customising the UI (seriously, who has time for that?), but creating and customising a system to look how you want it to be. PowerShell takes care of that nowadays.
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    @penguin I'm saying that if you're a beginner, customising a UI with a GUI is how you want to be doing it. Mainly to protect yourself from fucking shit up.
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    @drRoss Ok, sure. So for beginners there's the gui and for everyone else there's the terminal :D (thumbsup)
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