That's savage..😂😂😂

  • 2
    I think it won't be on the iPhone store (don't know the name) because they want people to use siri and they already have not accepted some products like a app desvloped by portugueses to help people not getting addicted to the phone it sad but is the truth (the part of the app the Google I don't know ).
  • 11
    Hey even more data to collect for Google! 😅
  • 1
    Dad jokes for everybody!
  • 0
    I'd sew them bitches 🙄
  • 1

    W a t
  • 0
    @Redrield apple sewed samsung for ... tldr;?
  • 0
    @karma what could they sue google for? Good software? Makes no sense. Assistant is nothing like siri
  • 0
    @Redrield iJust kidding bro 🤣 iTroll
  • 0
    @Pekira It will probably be part of the Google app which is already on there
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