
Fuck whoever invented caramel and chocolate and particularly whoever mixed them. How am I supposed to stop eating this? It so fucking delicious.

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    You can eat it then vomit it = infinite food with no weight gains!!!
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    @topsecret230 infinite feelings
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    @topsecret230 then eat the vomit for dinner
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    @oiledwheels white chocolate... Omg
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    @topsecret230 you are so fucking genius
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    Now mix them with peanut butter!!
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    American? Honestly interested, as it seems to be a cultural thing in America to smear peanut butter on anything eatable.


    If you think that that's good...

    Ever tried salty in combination with it?

    Salty caramel and chocolate, best fleur de sal or sth else with a strong unique flavor.

    Love it.

    Or chili / orange / ...

    You can make easily caramel by yourself. (Ok I'm getting evil).

    Dulce de lece or similar sweetened milk in an iron can can be "cooked" in a water bath (look recipes online).

    As the can is unopened, you can make caramel without the usual fuckity (cleaning up, burning it etc).
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    @topsecret230 bad taste in my mouth remains which kills the whole point :/

    @oiledwheels you seriosly need some vacation

    @IntrusionCM yeah I tried salty one too. Its actually new product at stores in my country. I liked it. I love the ones with 50% orange and 50% chocolate. Lets not forget the ones with strawberry yoghurt in the middle.

    Yeah its not that hard to make caramel and I made it 3-4 times with crumbled hazelnut. It was so good that I had to forbid my self doing it again.

    Dulce de leche... If someday I decide to kill myself, just softly tell me those words. It is sooo good that can be a reason to live by itself.
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    Wait until your heart says nope
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    @IntrusionCM you can get those cans of sweet milk already caramlized, it's fantastic

    I use them to mix 3 of them with around a bottle of rum and some vanille in a blender to make likor
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