That sad moment when you realize that your salary is less than other employees, the most sad is you work harder and you have more skills.

Life is not fair.

  • 8
    Why not ask for a raise?
  • 1
  • 1
    @lazyDev - don't despair.

    Just ask yourself what are you going to do now that you know of this injustice.
  • 1
    @alphanerd why you are attacking by your words? you're not a reference you know. so back off.
  • 0
    Ask for a raise. If you got the amount you're happy with, then stay, otherwise leave ASAP. Don't waste time from your life for companies that aren't value it enough.
  • 0
    This provided one of the later rants you wrote in context. Seeing as you eventually doubled in salary, are you now paid more than you lesser colleagues?
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