
How reading E-Mail is hard:

"Dear client,
please send the pictures for content A and Content B.

We also found content C in your spreadsheet. Do you want content C to be uploaded? Please us where to place it.


Me (who does not consider this a difficult text)

"Hello. Please find attached the pictures for A"

"Dear Client,
Thank you for the pictures for A.
What about the pictures for B?
And what about that content for C?

(no answer)

Desperate Me:
(Looking at the attachment and finding pictures for A and B)
!!@**! :(

Reluctant Me:
"Dear Client,
Please look at the new iteration <here/>

And by the way.. what about that content C?"

"Thanks and find the images for Content C attached."

Extremely fatalistic and desolate Me:
"Well thank you. Where shall we put it then?"

Client (answer to the unanswered mail above)
"Thank you. Please don't forget to put in C."


  • 13
    Oh, how many email recipients I've encountered that apparently can't read. I feel you!
  • 7
    Thanks, man. ...And knowingly I do write short ones..and make plenty of breaks and bullet points. :/
  • 2
    It's as if people don't care enough to read through and just throw glances over the mails
  • 3
    I once sent a client an email containing: dear client plz download the alpha build from this link

    Client replies with: great I'll download and check.

    On hour later: *phone call from client*: you did not send me download link

    Me: 😒😒😒🔫
  • 4
    Some clients are actually lobotomy research objects that somehow gotten loose in the wild...
  • 0
    That is quite true, but not the point :)
  • 2
    Once I wrote to a Chinese client (I'm in Brazil, 12h of difference in timezone, so I lose one day just to have an answer):

    Me: I've found this in your file. Should I do A or B?

    Client: Yes, you can do it.

    Me: Thanks, but I need to know if you need A or B. Both will take the same time and cost.

    Client: Yes, please.

    Me: Thanks, so I will do A, as it appears to be the best way to you.

    Client: Great!
  • 1
    I had a stupid client whom I couldn't bare.. So I fired him...
  • 7
    I started always writing something like this:
    "We have the options A or B, if you have nothing against it, we will do A"

    If the client does not explicitly answer that he wants B done, I'll simply do A. That way I don't loose valuable time waiting for an answer or discussing over unclear mails ;)
  • 0
    That is a smart move. I will try that :)
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