
So the team I joined has been producing garbage software in C# for 10+ years. The solution proposed by the tech lead - start using Java because it’s better than C#, that’s why we have problems. This actually gets signed off by management. Why did I choose this career?

  • 1
    wwwww this is .. pretty funny .. sorry www
  • 8
    More than 3 billion idiots run Java.
  • 4
    IMO, make it your goal to either get fired or run the place by producing way better code than the rest of the meat grinder and don’t be afraid to step on toes.
    I wish I had gotten this advice. The only caveat is make sure you in fact know wtf you’re doing and why. You don’t have to know beyond a reasonable doubt, but at least get some outside opinions and read some books.
  • 3
    @electrineer Well since 2021 and the usage of CRISPR tech, 5 Billion people will be being run by Java now.
  • 5
    @uNrEaL-jAsE it tastes like coffee
  • 5
    @electrineer Does C# taste kind of like sea salt?
  • 6
    Plot twist: they will rewrite everything in js.
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    @uNrEaL-jAsE I honestly have no idea - I think they are just using C# as a scapegoat. The Java implementation has been just as horrendous as the C# one. A different brand hammer in the hands of the same carpenter is likely to yield the same results.
  • 4
    @electrineer Well it’s funny you mention js - one of the reasons they gave for wanting to move to Java was that it must integrate better with JavaScript. Not kidding, this was a bullet point. I tried to correct that assumption during the presentation, but was shushed. The best part was that the folks making the argument to move to Java had very little experience in any popular Java IDE or Java Enterprise Middleware where our company insists Java apps be hosted. No joke, they didn’t even know how to start programming the re-write. So, they prototyped everything in C# and then had interns re-write it in Java. Then when everyone on the team quit, I was handed this shit-show.
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    @Demolishun Or maybe lemons?
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    I dunno but find another job lol java lol
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    Maybe Google will hire you after 10 more years
    They love writing crappy shit in Java that doesn't compile

    Like bazel
    Which is needed for tensor flow
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    @Demolishun @electrineer
    Vitamin C, sharp taste?
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    I've maybe spent too much time solving cryptic crossword clues...
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    @spongegeoff lol, i totally missed it the first time. thanks for explaining.
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    @dontbeevil yeah mine isn’t going too well.
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