

Can I have your opinion on this guys ??

  • 16
    Fuck TikTok.
  • 9
    Looks like spam to me
  • 12
    TikTok has a key logger and everything they collect goes to China. It was also banned by the Trump administration to be used in certain government organizations (along with a bunch of other software). It was recently banned from use by all government organizations under Biden. It is nothing but Chinese spyware. User beware.
  • 2
    I asked for your opinion on the video!

  • 8
    @Demolishun So, pretty much the same as Fuckbook or Shitter - only that they somehow OK because they are American spyware.

    @iArrow You linked to Shittok, deal with it.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop Shhh, the FBI is listening... Don't forget reddit too.
  • 18
  • 9
    @Root wow, that is savage!

    Please do a Ted Talk on internet trolling. I just realized I am an amateur.
  • 4
  • 4
    @Root you win todays trophy! 🏆
  • 4
    Upvoted the "rant" just for the good laughs reading the comments
  • 4
    @red-knot I did too. I could not let this die.
  • 6
    @iArrow nah mate. You asked for an opinion, didn't specify what about.
  • 4
    @iArrow you lost us at TikTok, and I gave up with the robotic voice over.

    I now need to burn my phone.
  • 3
    Major boomer energy coming from this chat
  • 3
    @phat-lasagna don't mistake boomers for millenials, we are to gen z what boomers are to us, it is not good or bad, it is what it is
  • 0
    Well guys, I'm not trying to be rude like in your comments, I simply asked for an opinion

    I didn't force it on anyone of you, it's silly & pathetic of you to say all of this, if you don't want to open the tiktok sure but at least keep your mouth shut.
  • 1
    well, there is some truth to it. but it mostly smells like bad education to me
  • 7
    Asks question in a forum of people who are paid to be security minded... Doesn't expect a security minded answer.
  • 3
    @phat-lasagna hey, I'm GenX mother fucker.
  • 2
    @iArrow TikTok is an idiotic cancer at a global scale.

    When some idiot says, "man, I drank so much last night I blacked out and woke up in a rest stop with a sore throat." The only appropriate response is, "you're a cock gobbling moron that could have died."

    The idiot doesn't say, "shut your mouth I didn't ask." The idiot says nothing because by sharing they are asking.

    This is your gobble moment, learn from it.
  • 3
    @sariel nobody remembers gen X exists. We are just the "not boomers".
  • 4
    There are no rules that limit comments to answers to a question here. This is no stackoverflow. You will get comments for doing something dumb like posting a tiktok link.
  • 1
    @sariel nah you my friend are a doomer boomer boy
  • 3
    @phat-lasagna call me what you will, my decades of parental neglect will only allow me to easily pick the flesh from GenZ bones when the apocalypse happens.

    GenX shall ride eternal. Shiny, and chrome!
  • 1
    @phat-lasagna cool
  • 1
    @sariel your post lead me to think that maybe we shouldn't victim blame @iArrow
  • 2
    Because I'm being targeted for this now, I'll share with the rest of the class.
  • 4
    Here a privacy friendly link that doesn't send your dna to ccp


    Or while we are at it the reddit post also on a privacy respecting reddit frontend

    https://libreddit.de/r/... (2020)
  • 2
    Fuck TikTok.
    However, about the content... yeah, that's like learning mechanical engineering without ever changing a spark plug. The difference between theory and practice, yada yada. This guy probably never coded anything complex by themselves.
    However, if they wrote it on Reddit or whatever asking "omg what is happening to me? 😩" means they have another level of incompetence, as they have never been able to realise practice and theory are sometimes very different while being complementary. I'd personally call that person stupid / unfortunately too ignorant, bet they went to a private institute and that they haven't had any form of previous technical education.
  • 2

    I kinda agree, the lack of practice did it.. I would say I felt and still feeling like he did but I'm trying my best to develop my skills, anyway thanks for sharing your opinion, I appreciate it.
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