
I’ve resigned today. 🎆🎇

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    Bad, my dude, I renounced a big chunk of $$$ by resigning, instead of waiting to be fired.

    Then again, I can understand if they just won't fire you or it's too unbearable.

    Better luck on the next gig, but if you want some unsolicited advice, do take (if circumstances allow) a month or so for yourself.
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    enjoy your break free -)
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    Congratz! Waiting for new rants from your new workplace!
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    Wish you the best, dude. Try to acquire the highest salary package you can in your next endeavour.
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    Well, according to the law, I have to “work” for 20 days before I leave. Unless both parties refuse it.

    The worst part is they want me full-time in office now. CEO thinks this will make me refuse 20 days of pay. Oh boy, no. I’m gonna make this as awkward as it can be 🔥
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    Indeed, do the bare minimum, and focus on knowledge transfer.

    What's the worst they could do? Fire you? Unless it's for some flagrant misconduct they would be doing you a favour.
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    Grats 🥳🎉🥂
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    Is there a back story
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    There always is, but I’m already vented.
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