
Job advertisement of the biggest software company here at our train station in Dortmund, Germany.

  • 7
  • 37
    An ad programmers would actually read..
  • 5
    Definately an eye catcher.
  • 8
    Das macht die sympathischer.. Irgendwie. Fehlt nur noch das die Bewerbung mit PGP verschlüsselt ist.
  • 10
    So cheesy and cringe worthy, ugh, hate these kinds of job ads. Not to mention the fact that the code is not in English.
  • 6
    "Bewirb dich jetzt" means "Apply Now".
    That line (comment) is never executed!

    Does it really mean "apply now" or "never apply"?
  • 1
    @darddan it means apply now ;-)
  • 10
    Seriously tho, code not in English? :/
  • 3
    Alles klar
  • 10
    Kill me pls...

    Don't EVER code in fucking german. It is ugly AF.
  • 3
    We're such a ...? Did I read that right?
  • 3
    @Skayo I don't even know German and I could read it fine. What's the difference between that and an English written program? Just symbols that have values.
  • 1
  • 6
    @Skayo How do you pronounce WirSuchenDich?
  • 1
    Well if you know German you would find it​ fucking cringy...
  • 1
    Hard to tell... Like you write it?
    How would you pronounce it?

    Btw. It means 'We want you' in english.
  • 3
    @Skayo We're such en dick?

    Hence why I asked...
  • 3
    Haha! No no. Look at my comment above!
  • 11
    public class weWantYou



            Employer adesso = Employer.

                           get("Best IT Emoloyer                                in Germany");

             return new Job(you, Adesso);



              // We aren't only looking for              //Programmers.
     return         you.finUsOn("www.adesso.de");

              //TODO: Apply now!


    Translated it for our english mates. Sorry for bad formatting.
  • 2
    @Skayo yes but I asked how it's pronounce 😁
  • 1
    Oh ooops...
    Misunderstood your comment....

    If you say, "Weer (like beer) suchen dick", everybody here would probably understand you :D
  • 3
    @Skayo hmm how about suchen?

    Theoretically I don't think either sounds too good to an English speaker?
  • 1
    How big is the probability to see a post with an ad of the company you work for o.O?

    Does this have something to do with the sorting algo? Is it based on location?
  • 1
    That is just disgusting... I hope their actual codebase doesn't look like that
  • 2
    I applied there (a year ago). They didn't want me. Now I have an epic job in another city (for 11 month now). I'm happy how things turned out. Why would you code in German?
  • 1
    I think its just for the advertisement. Their code base won't look like that.
  • 1
    They put this into production with TODOs still hanging out. Hope it wasn't mission critical functionality.
  • 1
    @heikomat How was the recruiting process? Phone interview and then in person interview?
  • 1
    @DP1306 I don't remember exactly, but I think I applied via email, then later got a date and time for a personal interview, had that interview, and then never heard back, even though they assured me they would let me know.

    I don't remember there being a phone interview
  • 1
    @heikomat Do you remember the interview? Was it a technical one where you had to write code on a whiteboard?
  • 1
    @DP1306 i actually didn't have to write any code, as far as i remember. i do remeber that part of it was about if i was willing to drive to customers a lot, and how much money i'd want.

    But then again, maybe i didn't apply for the best fitting position, or it was my lack of higher education (i only have abitur, but at that point already had 3 years of work-experience)
  • 2
    @DP1306 if you want to know more, you can email me at heiko.mathes@gmail.com

    If you're interested i could at least revisit my email-communication with them
  • 1
    @Skayo I use to code in portuguese, It is great so my variables and function names never match the reserved ones
  • 3
    I hate when the functions are in fucking not English.
  • 2
    @mundo03 Just use it in my private programs
  • 2
    even readable names where picked good job
  • 2
    @DP1306 I can give you detailed information about the company itself and about the interview process if you want to :) adesso is a great company from my point of view
  • 1
    @daviddd I would be very thankful if you could answer my previous questions :)
  • 1
    @DP1306 It was a typical interview process: You apply via email for a job as a software developer. You get a first personal meeting. In that meeting you will talk mainly about your developer skills (frameworks, pattern, etc.). They will ask you some technical questions to check your skills. It is possible that they will ask you to write some code.
  • 0
    Was the interview with a recruiter or was it with another developer?
  • 1
    @DP1306 With 2 persons: At least one of them is a developer I guess.
  • 0
    We don't code in German it's just an ad...
    Adesso (in Munich) is pretty awesome too.

    Glad to hear that you find a good job!
  • 0
    Can confirm it doesn't look like that!
    Source: I am working for this company.
  • 0
    1.Phone interview
    2. Interview ( in generally with senior and team leaders)
    3. Second interview (optionally)
  • 0
    Did they ask questions about Algorithms and data structures like all the big companies do?
  • 0
    @DP1306 I goes that depends on which job you are applying. I came there for an internship and got taken over. For that internship they didn't.
  • 0
    @mrtnrdl no you are not alone.
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