Nice try Microsoft, but NO !, Skype sucks

  • 2
    Is that a Win10 notification ad?
  • 2
    @LeFlawk What to use then beside discord?
  • 2
    I use Skype, and I have used it in almost 17 years
  • 0
    @LeFlawk my grandma still use Skype, so I'm forced to use too.
  • 1
    @Jilano ahh, shame that no one I know use it 😐
  • 0
    Skype webapp is a decent choice. Just avoid the native apps.
  • 1
    Skype isn't that bad imho, has improved over the last 1-2 years
  • 1
    This, just this.
    Ive found skype to be shit for ages. But friends always used it.

    Then I finally stopped caring and uninstalled it.

    Ive never felt so free in my life
  • 1
    I'm actually more put off using Skype by that horrible emoji notification than anything else.


  • 2
    I think the interfaces and usability of Skype are great! Just bad that they don't handle privacy that well imo.
  • 1
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