
If programmers were doctors.

Doctor A: the patient is having heart attack
Doctor B: we have to reproduce the heart attack to be able to heal him
Doctor C: why dont we just remove the hesrt and install a new heart
Doctor D: human heart are bad, maybe we should use animal heart

  • 20
    Doctor E: I'll try to refactor the patient's heart.
    Doctor F: I'll make a heart from scratch!
  • 13
    Doctor G: better install three different hearts to cover everything
  • 10
    @arcs- redundancy 😁
  • 33
    Doctor H: works on my machine. Unable to recreate issue, closing ticket.
  • 9
    Doctor J: let's try turning it off and on again
  • 17
    Project Manager: are you sure he actually needs it?
  • 8
    Did the problem exist before the Heart was added?
  • 6
    Doctor L: $('heart').wake();
  • 10
    Doctor N: I'll make a new human from scratch
  • 8
    Doctor P: This heart is an outdated version, vulnerable to attacks. Update the patient, it will take only a few minutes.
  • 8
    Doctor Q: Lets create an open-source heart framework and make heart easily.
  • 6
    Doctor who: single heart? Such a vital organ and no redundancy?
  • 8
    Doctor R: are we sure it is not heartbleed issue?
  • 4
    Dockor S: Are you sure it's not the lungs?
  • 2
    this and the roads rant are one of the best I've seen, especially comments 😂
  • 3
    Doctor T:Maybe we should just get a new human?
  • 4
    Come on people, we're almost at the end of the alphabet! 😁
  • 2
    this is the funniest rant I read this week. Hahaha!!
  • 3
    Doctor W: let's call human suppoort!
    Doctor S: this is only basic version. To contact support you need hooman with pro account.
  • 2
    Doctor X: we successfully reproduced the heart attack
    Doctor Y: we just killed the patient
    Doctor Z: we need to wait for another patient with heart attack to be able to cure them
  • 1
    Ouh yeah! xD
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