I realized I've need a hobby other than sitting in front of the computer all day.

What non-developer things do you love to do? :)

  • 3
    @theScientist you can still do the latter though you might be seen as a child molestor
  • 7
    Do something physical to counter your inactivity. Go rock climbing!
  • 17
    Sex! Oh, wait. We're devolpers.
  • 5
    I like reading books and going to the gym. The latter is the only way to fully clear my mind.
  • 7
    Cooking. Not like i should eat something cooking. Learn recipes, spices, experiment
  • 6
    Playing table tennis (great exercise for focusing) or learning foreign languages
  • 9
    Most of what I do pretty much adds fuel to the fire that deems my social status.

    Any whom.

    I read, study history and language, play chess, play guitar, do some occasional gardening, and to be a bit more odd - I practice accents. Got it up to about 15 now, and I talk to myself with them.
  • 4
    I love playing guitar, bass, drums... and videogames.
  • 3
    Try to learn an instrument!
  • 2
    I'm a student, and for me developing is just one way of self-expression. I also work as a photographer (that's how I make money), and I also make music.

    Basically I try to study in term time, and split my free time between my girlfriend (yes, I don't know how, but I have a girlfriend) and these things 😄 Not easy, but they offer different challenges and rewards, so I never get bored.
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    My kid is what, or rather who, I spend the time with. It's the most valuable and satisfying way to spend your time.
  • 2
    I practice martial arts (Judo and Jiu-jitsu) and would recommend it to anyone. It can get quite intense, so I'd say that with only a few hours a week you're good to go in the sports department.
  • 4
    Watch movies, read books

    For physical I would recommend Geocaching. You get your phone or GPS and find for hidden stuff and some of them you can trade stuff or just sign a logbook
  • 0
    @UnknownDev do you know Ingress?
  • 4
    I play football (soccer for US people) every week.

    The rest of the time I spend with my wife and kids.
  • 4
    Playing with electronics, repairing cars, drinking beer with friends, gaming, photography (very recently)
  • 1
    @oscarascal gamers unite!
  • 0
    @Eddydpyl that's my steam username also BTW :)
  • 2
    @mt3o Of course I do! But I like looking for real things more :p
  • 0
    @oscarascal You mean "gamers unite" or your username here at devrant? My username is the same everywhere :p
  • 0
    @Eddydpyl no the devrant username, as you did then :)
  • 2
    I play street football:) I was pretty bad at beginning but it gets better each time.
  • 3
    Music. Learning an instrument (it is never too late for that) or learning music theory (which is fascinating btw).
    I play in a local coverband and we have a gig like every second weekend. Best thing is since a few years it doesn't pay that bad as well.
    At least for me as a student.
    Not doing anything for workout besides the band though. Maybe I should start something again.
  • 1
    @UnknownDev get into group playing Ingress. Organize a farm or lead a team to close some large field.

    Yesterday was a MissionDay in Warsaw, my friend's organized it, I put my 3 pennies into this event.
    Couple months ago I took a part in organizing a trip to Anomaly event in a foreign country. It was awesome to be a part of such huge event!

    After all, you can meet lots and lots of new people while playing Ingress.
  • 0
    @mrtnrdl good one, I usually try to listen to podcasts while working-out but books might also be nice!
  • 0
    @Gilpow Do You Know Squarepusher?
  • 3
    Go to the Gym, see my gf, rock climbing
  • 2
    I love building stuff, if I'm not at work building code I do woodworking and other building projects / home improvement.
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    Communist Propaganda
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    When I’m not doing developer things I’m generally designing, writing css and writing HTML.

    Then i’ll jump into developing again.

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    Walk, bike sometimes swim
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    Music (when I was younger played in local bands), learning science, reading sci-fi, gaming...

    But... I rarely have time for hobbies since I have a daughter... Which take most of the time I have left...
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    @theScientist I challenge you to a chess round
  • 1
    Yep. UnknownDev
  • 1
    It's ok username I gave you UnknownDev
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    I really love bouldering!!!
  • 0
    Fencing, great way to destress!
  • 1
    I love to play harpsichord/piano, or just do music (I create it too)...
    I like playing games (who doesn't?), preferably music/rhythm games ^u^
    I also sometimes I think about the future and the fate of humanity. That's a bit edgy tho xD
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