
@dfox I saw a few posts lately, about websites that people did. So besides the collabs, I'd like to suggest a new section. "DevReviews" or what ever. The basical idea is, every one, that is signed up gets one "token" devRant ++ suporters maybee an additional free token every months or whatever.
If you wan't your website reviewed, you can post it there and people reviewing it will get such a token for their review.
To ensure a certain quality of the reviews, I'd put a minimum caracter length and a "dispute" function, where the review is taken to a community voting, if the person giving the review should get the token, or if the review should be dismissed. Additional "tokens" for additional/more reviews can be bought through the app, that could help a lot of devs get quality reviews and testing and earn you some $ for the servers.

  • 2
    Nah, it feels too stack overflowy and will only create a divide between people simply seeking tokens and ones that actually want to help.
  • 3
    Websites are not only thing devs code.
    My job title says i'm a webdeveloper but I barely touch html and even less css. ;-)
    Lots of java, js, networking and brainstorming. My code is under NDA. In that case what should I publish? Summarized number of commited lines of code? Increase of response time? Increase in CTR?
    What about people who work on even lower level? Or devops?
    After all we don't need a 'penis size' contest.
  • 1
    Nope go to se code review for that
  • 1
    @nblackburn i'm kind of affraid of that happening too, but so far, this commjnity has done pretty well and I still belive in the good of developers ;)
    @mt3o sure, nda or not "just viable" content is a problem there. And I don't have a solution for it.
    @hitchhiker42 for code: absolutely: but for ui/ux and general improvement, it could help.
  • 0
    @Wack go to se ui/ux
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