
Are there any big advantages of using pycharm instead of sublime?

I'm learning Python and I already have sublime installed, should I use pycharm instead?

  • 10
    Hell yes. Sublime text is a toy by comparison. PyCharm gives you a tons of features such as a debugger, pluggins (e.g. PEP8), warnings of depreciation, and python 2.7->3.x conversion.
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    Try PyScripter Also. Whatever Suits You The Best.
  • 1
    I mean... Whatever you feel more comfortable with
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    Pycharm community is free and very useful for python coding (tip: pycharm community > pycharm edu)
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    When you are working on big projects, things like "find usage" and "go to declaration" help a lot. Also ctrl+alt+L 👌
    For small projects it won't make much difference but I'd recommend pycharm if you're looking to contribute to some open source project
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    I feel confortable using Atom. Give it a try and evaluate which editor fits you better. That's the key to productivity.
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    Use vim. It has more big advantages.
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    @jhole89 whenever I see "deprecated", i read "depreciated" ☺️
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    @Faraaz Me Too. :O
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    I use both. For quick scripts and most automation tasks, sublime with sublimeREPL is sufficient and I prefer the less bloated interface of a text editor over an IDE, but when I do things like machine learning/deep learning, the variable explorer and the debugger in pycharm are a must.
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