I bought a raspberry pi a while back, and I have no idea what to do with it. I know nothing about electrical engineering or Python (as I believe that's the language you use to program the pi). Any ideas?

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    How about a small home server? Maybe with OwnCloud
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    You don't have to use Python. You can use whatever the hell you want
  • 3
    You can use the API in about any language. Because you seem to have fundamental Java skills, you could take a look at Pi4J http://pi4j.com/, but there are many other librarys. I know of three Java librarys for the Raspberry, a lot in Python, and so on.
  • 9
    Keep your Internet server provider honest by doing a SpeedTest every 10 minutes

    A virtual doorbell + camera

    Make a BLE peripheral for some sensor, like temperature of your kitchen (or upload it to the web)

  • 7
    Honestly, if you don't have experience with linux already, just set it up with the default OS Raspbian and start tinkering. Get stuck. Break the os a couple times. It's trivial to wipe and restart. Afterward, I suggest moving onto python, and finally electronics when you're comfortable. Or screw all that and jump right into a tutorial for a huge project.
  • 3
    Ummm. Time to learn Electrical Engineering and Python.

    Seriously, there are a ton of tutorials that also tell you how to wire stuff and how to program stuff.
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    Python can be learnt in no time
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    @busuu RPi.GPIO lets you use the pins to wire up sensors and components, and use Python logic to read and 'write' voltage. So, a huge and versatile logic controller.
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    @chadd17 the first project I did with the pi was making a robot with the frame from lego. Custom 3D printed axle converter for the motors and a motorblock which worked perfectly with the lego.
  • 1
    Intelligent home. Buy a relay an control everything in you home from a website. I did it very easily (and without python actually).
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    You can use whatever language you want, most have an api wrapper for the GPIO pins.
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    you can even put windows 10 IOT Core on it and create a UWP app to communicate with it, works pretry neat.
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    Haxx @theNSA and leak all information to @notNSA
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    I made mine into panel on my wall
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    @vhenrixon can you share a pic? Im curious
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    @Greggergalactic that idea though, I have bought a Pie some time ago, played around now it is collecting dust... What controller do you use?
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    Faulty assumptions, or presumptions
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    Turned mine into a media hub for my movies and mp3s. Installed the android app so I can use my phone as a remote. I'm slowly getting to the point where I can sit on the sofa and everything comes to me without me needing to move.

    Next step...some kind of robotic letterbox so I don't have to get up when the takeaway arrives!
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    @shiv379 And then, a Laser letter opener 😂
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    I use mine as a media player/streamer running LibreELEC. It is basically a minimal Linux distro to run Kodi. The cool thing about it is that it supports HDMI CEC, which means you can control it with your TV remote.
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    @codex404 Im using the smart pi touch with the screen you can get from raspberry pi. Then I placed velcro on the adjustable panel and placed it on my wall. I then later made a program that tells weather and time(just basic thing for the time being). Sorry for a bad picture thats all I have because Im on vacation and am not at home.
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    Mobile pentesting device?
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