How to log in to CMS Of Doom™...
What could go wrong?
MD5 password hashing? HTTP links? Extracting the whole $_POST array?

  • 4
    Ok, you win!

    md5(password) is the password reset token? 🥲
  • 1
    Mmmmmmmm yummy. Extract that shit and fix that security hole!
  • 6
    I sometimes wonder, how are you people not yet hacked?

    I have a static HTML website on CloudFront and I get shitton of php attacks like execute function, print ...etc.
  • 1
    At the very least SQL-injections are taken care of and the *entire* "login"-usecase fits into one screenshot! I have seen worse. This is all fixable. I bet you one ++ this thing has some ancient hand written autoloader along with composer autoloading in newer parts of the system ❤️
  • 2
    You just gotta throw a spare ring-of-power into the cms of doom, should solve your problems right quick.

    Don't forget the eagles though. Gotta have eagle when the whole thing blows up.
  • 2
    Don't you love legacy PHP code. I love it.

    I'm over here writing in php 8.2 doing all the neat things. Ticket drops on jira.hey uh we have this code from 10 years ago. Make it SSO. K thnx bye.

    Fuck there goes my week...
  • 2
    @rootshell sadly that's how it is...
  • 1
    Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That's some kill me now code.

    Hope you got xdebug and some energy drinks. That's gonna need a fixin.
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