unpopular opinion: javascript has broken standards, and nobody corrects it. people use these frameworks and shit with 600 dependencies, then can't figure out how to update their application when things go out of date. now people are expecting you to use NPM to make a - - > static <- - website

  • 4
    Js is pure fucking evil, one day society will understand this they'll drop this disgusting trend of building on top of failures and glorified javascript bloated frameworks.... One day
  • 3
    Why only rant about NPM and not Composer, NuGet and other package managers? And updating external dependencies is easier using those package managers than checking each dependency on yourself.
  • 1
    @jschmold ok, but then that is the same for each language and not just javascript.
  • 2
    @jschmold And that's why I love it. Tho, it does create bad developers who produce bad code. Not everyone can handle freedom 😋

    On the topic of NPM and websites, the new Webpack/Babel approach is in my eyes vastly superior to the old ways. It's much clearer what goes where and does what when you explicitly import packages instead of having them float around in the ether of global namespace
  • 0
    @Froot Please, don't call weak typing, undefined behavior and overall shitty design freedom. :)
  • 1
    Should consider making your own framework and use a wrapper for any external libraries. This can act as an adapter just plugin whatever lib you want.
  • 6
    Which standards are broken 🤔

    You don't need to install a billion dependencies either, by default you have 0 dependencies .. can't really blame JavaScript for that.
  • 1
    Finally someone said it. I was afraid to bring it up before but I love my life.
  • 3
    npm !== javascript
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