Today I have received mi report card: flunked.

  • 6
    Under previous administrations, SonarQube was our dept benchmark for code quality. Teams would spend an exorbitant amount of time trying to increase their grade, then to have new+changing rules introduced by SonarQube that reduced the score.

    Wouldn't be unusual for a team to work a year to get a complex app to an A or B, then a few months later (with no code changes) all of a sudden the app is a D and mgmt would flip their lid. Not the tool for changing, but for the developers for not anticipating the possible required improvements.

    Luckily, those morons are no longer here and we use SonarQube as a gauge for improvement. If it actually improves quality, security, performance, do it, but garbage like sorting the 'using' section, extra spaces between lines, etc...don't waste your time.
  • 3
    @PaperTrail yeah we use SonarQube as gauge too. Turns out testing and actually using the software, before shipping helps finding out, if it sucks or not.
  • 1
    "Mi report"

    first thought: why would your scooter, phone or a vacuum cleaner send a report...?
  • 1
    @netikras well duh, it sends its report to its overlord in Beijing.
    (kinda /s but also not)
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