To Android developers who are employed, how's the industry with Kotlin? Are you guyz shifting to it or still stick to Java? And what are your thoughts about Kotlin future? Thanks.

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    I’m not employed, but Java’s here to stay
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    @calmyourtities I'm afraid it will overtake java the same way swift did to objective-c. But I'm unemployed too, so I need working people's thoughts!
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    I'm interested to know this as well. Google seems to be pushing kotlin pretty hard to counter oracle's stronghold on Java.
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    Again with the BS.
    kotlin===java. also java!==javascript.
    You can use both in the same project. From my experience, Kotlin is used for new apps/projects, and old Java projects are not being rewritten in Kotlin. Reasons are obvious when you bother to read about it.
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    I'm full time employed in the UK. I am the most senior of 2 mobile devs. I originally thought Kotlin was just a wrapper around Java 6. Thankfully I am wrong and Kotlin does compile down in the same way Java does straight to JVM machine code.

    This means that in the long run Kotlin solves problems that Google can't or wont.

    I have not been THAT attracted to Kotlin, but at the end of the day it would just be new syntax for additional features. I am not 100% sure but I think there are some areas where Kotlin does give a performance benefit, so MAYBE we'll start seeing a shift.
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