
A couple of years ago (2015)...

Me: If i'm going to develop iOS Apps i need a Mac, big screen, etc...
Boss: Ok...

A few days go by...

Boss: Ok, we've ordered a Mac already
Me: good.
Boss: It's that small one, will be ok...
Me: <Check mac models and wonder the implications of "small">
Boss: It's the cheapest one plus a 21 inch monitor. Keyboard and Mouse you already have...
Me: <incredulous> At least order a mac keyboard...

Time goes by... Boss comes to discuss something about the app... i change something and check on the emulator (yes no real devices...) and boss complains:

Boss: Incredible, this machine is so slow...
Me: <throws a shrug>

Conclusion... still developing on this machine... damn.. i can read a newspaper every now and then while waiting for the machine to comply...


  • 7
    Mac mini is the very fucking shit of stinky shit. It's a machine that can barely handle web browsing sometimes.
  • 4
    @Snatchedd indeed. I've some procedures established in order to be able to work.

    I think there are better models though.

    Once a boss told me this, to excuse himself from buying the worst tools ever: "look to the bright side... If it runs on your computer, it will run on all other"...

    Wtf logic... I'm cursed... :/
  • 2
  • 1
    Made my day
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