I hate managing interns at my company more than half of my day goes into solving their silly issues and the rest i work on shitty small stuff. And the worst thing is they get to do all the machine learning and user behavior analysis stuff, in which i have more insight on. Being a full stack developer it sucks managing other devs. 😔

  • 0
    Seems like silly issues to you, but to them probably life changing :)
  • 2
    I would up vote this a thousand times if I could. Being the go to person for everyone's silly problems is the worst
  • 0
    you got an opportunity to help you should be thankful
  • 1
    @Amitkumar says the guy not being pulled in 15 different directions by people who refuse to try and solve the issue by themselves first. I like being helpful, I don't like doing people's work for them
  • 0
    @aceface you don't have to tell them the solution you have to guide them to solution and yeah being getting pulled or may be worse you gotta help they need it and its natural they will make silly mistakes
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