Is it me or there is no such thing as "too many stickers"?

  • 3
    I am confused with that guess my os. Is this Visual Studio *insert version here* or is it Visual Studio Code? I mean, it changes everything
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    HP is visible behind that devrant sticker
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    I like the guess my os sticker.

    @mitiko I'm guessing it's an ms sticker celebrating that visual studio isn't windows only anymore.
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    my laptop stays clean!
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    I think when you have so many stickers that your laptop falls over onto the screen, that may be considered too many.
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    Am I the only one who doesn't like stickers on laptops? I've owned many laptops until now, but never put stickers on them...
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    @ninjatini that's because your thinking that machine is a mac, and it isn't.

    You're thinking that because HP can't design their own products.
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    @marss yeah I put stickers on once after avoiding doing it for years. Within a couple weeks they were off and I polished it all up to look brand new again.

    Same reason I don't put stickers on guitars.
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    I put stickers on my work laptop but now I'm worried if I leave I'll lose the stickers.
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    @Mitiko @ninjatini Those stickers are for VS code and the fact that it runs on any OS. As a .NET fan and Visual Studio user (Code and Enterprise) it's probably my favorite sticker.
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    @rehman @Jop- The light and the crappy iPad camera makes it worse than it is. You don't notice it with the laptop closed unless you know what you're looking for it. It the lid is open you don't notice it, at all.
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    @Fydrenak That would actually be pretty funny to see happening!
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    @SSDD @Jop- Nop, I'm pretty found of Windows since this is the laptop I use at college and most of my peers also use Windows (it's easier to share settings and setups if we all rock the same OS). I have a 3 display Hackintosh in my room tho.
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    I havent found the too my stickers limit yet but I did see the wrongly placed and not nice stickers regularly.

    On OPs laptop that woulf be the google and the nei-isep stickers. They are just rectangle stickers which dont really fit on a laptop imo. The VS guess my OS and octopus stickers are some great stickers for a laptop. They are a bit mor "playful".
  • 2
    Maybe someone could start a website with a list of places to get free stickers from...
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