
I did a fucking scientific study about fucking rants and found a fucking high correlation between the usage of "fuck" and the number of fucking upvotes.

  • 45
    Are you fucking sure this isn't a fucking joke? I swear to fucking God...
  • 33
    Well I'll be fucked.
  • 5
    @theScientist, i was almost certain he got that info from you 😂😂😂
  • 13
    I've had it with these motherfucking bugs in this motherfucking code!

    (Gboard now autocompletes "motherfucking" for me. Does that mean I swear too much?)
  • 7
    @theScientist Unfortunately, due to an NDA I can not provide any details of an unpublished study. But I can assure you I would totally not make something like this up for a bad fucking joke.
  • 22
    Fuck fuck fuck? Fuckfuckityfuck fuck.


    Fuck fuckofuck fuckfuckerfuckfuck.
  • 9
  • 7
    @chch since you give so much fucks, here's a 'Fuck You' to you. 😜
  • 1
    Here ++ fuckin prove your point
  • 2
    Fuck... FUCK... F... Fuck!
  • 0
    Well you're not wrong....
  • 0
    Got my fucking up vote
  • 0
    And this is one of the reasons @letMeCode exists :P
  • 1
    You have almost 300 ++ for this post so I'd say it's fucking working!
  • 0
    Here, have my fuckin upvote
  • 0
    what the fuck, are you fucking serious? fuck me...
  • 0
    I would call it The First Fucking Law of Ranting
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