
I've got an Arduino now and I was building lights the last weeks to understand the coding. But when it comes to use full stuff I could do my mind is empty. Do you have any suggestions for me?
I know there have to be FUCKs in a good rant. So I will miss use the tags...

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    How about automating a greenhouse? Light, humidity and temperature sensors and a couple of relays should do the trick.

    Oh yea, quite a bit of testing, debugging and, of course, coffee.
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    One project i will do is controlling a stepper motor reading the commanded position via spi...
    Maybe stealing some code from marlin (firmware used to control a 3d printer using a arduino 2)
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    Make a robot that high fives you
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    Look at all those fucks! +1
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    @Letmecode totally agree, the tags deserve a ++
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    My personal projects (all connected to a central server using wifi):

    - Per pixel programmable RGB lighting throughout the house, about 100m. Eats a few kilowatt at full brightness, powered with 6 PSUs, controlled with a dozen arduinos to reach desired addressing speed for 14400 leds. Must have that cheap brothel look.

    - Solenoids on pexfit water conduits so I can remote fill the bath tub from my phone (a small arduino, a thermostat, two solenoid valves and a moisture detector in the overflow for shutting off)

    - Light switch and dimmer states through the house can all be read & set from server, web interface and phone (few dozen ATtiny chips with data lines throughout the house)

    - Alarm system for air quality, gas leaks, etc. (5 arduinos with detectors, speakers, and wifi)

    - Small aquaponics setup with two tilapias, bsf larvae composter and some herbs. (shit load of sensors and a Raspberry pi)

    - Dishwasher, laundry machine and dryer have a rest API for querying state and starting them (custom flashed ATtiny chips wired to the PCBs, with some dremel/3d printer help, on wifi network)

    - At work I have this obnoxious large led matrix which shows the latest unit test run.

    - Solar charged battery pack in bike frame with automatic bike lights, plus gps pinger which shows bike location using m2m/iot sim card.
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    Room automation
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    Some cool ideas, I will wait for more. 🤗
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    Make a solution with a webcam that opens the front door for just your face
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    @Tytanium what is lifi?
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    @Divisionbyzero Wifi through light afaik
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    Get some neopixels off of adafruit, they are fun to play with.

    If all you have are some buttons, wires, and LEDs, make a Simon game =D
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