
So this is what I received from a very bad recruiter.

I don't even know why I covered the details, this deserves to be public xD

Also, consider that this message came with <no subject>..

  • 5
    You really can't blame a bot for being buggy.
  • 1
    @ItsNotMyFault Well, why can't I? The bot sends email to whoever is designed to, but they should have put some sanity checks in place on the html text! Also, I wouldn't put my name on something I'm not sure it works!
  • 3
    @BixelPitch HAHAHA love that going to use that next time with a recruiter.
  • 1
    The bot would just say "@ItsNotMyFault"
  • 0
    @BixelPitch ahahah I should have replied that, that'll be for next time!
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