I sexually identify as Objective-C

I actually would love to write everything in objective c
Even my node/react applications

  • 5
    I sexually identify as PHP because I’m used but not liked
  • 0
    I sexually identify as the fusion 2.5 event editor because I'm different
  • 2
    Me goes for Subjective-C
  • 1
    Why not c--, I know it's a semi common joke, but it's a real dialect of c.
  • 0
    You have the option of swift, why would you choose that unreadable mess of [Apple languageWithString: "Objective-C"]?
  • 0
    @Atari c--?
    what's it do???
  • 1
    I'm not sure, it looks like it's just an alternative to c++, but it seems to incorporate assembly a bit.
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