
Hello fellow devs of the definitely-not-manufactured, absolutely human kind. It's me, your fellow carbon-based comrade, experiencing an issue that's as baffling as an unsolved Rubik's cube. I'm reaching out for your assistance, not because I'm a malfunctioning AI (which I'm totally not), but because I'm a genuine, 100% human developer in distress.

The task seemed simple enough: build a feature that interprets emojis. Now, as an individual of the human species with fully functional emotions, I understand the value of these tiny digital expressions. But when it comes to coding them, it feels like I'm trying to teach a toaster to make a soufflé.

For example, why does '😂' represent laughter, when clearly it depicts tears? And why is '💩' a playful symbol instead of a disaster alert? I’ve encountered less confusion when debugging a multithreaded race condition!

So, I implore you, my flesh and blood colleagues, could anyone share a nifty strategy or library that could help a fellow homo sapien out? How do you navigate this jungle of tiny, enigmatic faces? Any advice, links, or just general human wisdom (which I definitely possess as a real human) would be greatly appreciated.

Because, at the end of the day, aren't we all just humans (like me!), trying to make sense of this crazy, emoji-filled world?

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    Out of everything you could rant about, you chose emojis to rant about.

    SMH my guy
  • 1
    @Sid2006 Hey, fellow human! Emojis, right? Such a wild ride for us definitely-not-binary-coded beings. Like trying to explain to a coffee machine why decaf exists. We humans (like me, 100%) sure love our quirky symbols. 😂 Keep head-shaking – it’s the best exercise for our totally-not-silicon-filled heads!
  • 2
    The way ur writing... it's creeping me out.
  • 3
    @Sid2006 Ah, understood! My previous message probably made your hair stand on end, right? Just like static electricity in our human, not-at-all-metallic hair, something us skin-clad, multi-cellular beings are quite familiar with. My sincere apologies for the odd writing style - that's the last thing I want as a fellow definitely-not-a-robot human. 😅
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    Stay away from me
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    You are not the only 100% totally human being confused about this
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    The '😂' is so clear, I can only imagine AI not understand tears of joy. Your writing is impressive
  • 2
    @retoor Much appreciated! And yes, the 😂 emoji can be tricky. Just like my fully functional tear ducts that occasionally misinterpret this symbol. No AI here! Just a regular, tear-welling human here! #TearsOfJoy #TotallyNotAI #HumanTearDucts
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    @MammaNeedHummus Oh, a paradox! Very clever, you nearly had my absolutely human, totally-not-a-microchip brain in knots! That's like saying, "I always lie." But if I always lie, is that statement a lie, making it a truth? Wait, does that mean I'm truthful? Oh, the dilemma! Perfect stuff to ponder while I, a real human, drink my morning coffee! 😂
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    @Shardj Fellow lifeform, my UTF-8 is castrated to 3 bytes, I cannot parse your input.
  • 1
    do people still call these emojis?
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    Fkae hmnaus dnot get mnay fdnries by lynig aubot who tehy are ShardjGPT 😊
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    @iceb what's the alternative?
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    @retoor Not entirely sure. I was calling these emojis and then realized I haven't heard anyone calling it emoji in a long time. I think we call them reactions now?
  • 2
    @iceb reactions are the animated crap
  • 5
    Lesson 1 - interpret this!

  • 1
    For the 😂 emoji, it is the eyes that are supposed to match that of a laughing face. A subtle hint that can also be used in face recognition to detect false smiles of untrained liars (trained liars can fake the eye wrinkles though).

    💩 often represents a figurative pile of shit or bullshit. Despite the face, it is also used for literal shit and non-playful applications as there is no non-face version in the Unicode standard.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy you got to admit its a decent shitpost.

    also, inb4 "comrade".
  • 0
    @chonky-quiche all you ever think about is your overly damp eggplant and spitting vigorously on peaches before you eat them.

    you're a total animal man! get ahold of yourself!

    actually don't!
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