"Hey nephew, why doesn't the FB app work. It shows blank white boxes?"
- It can't connect or something? (I stopped using the FB app since 2013.)

"What is this safe mode that appeared on my phone?!"
- I don't know. I don't hack my smartphone that much. Well, I actually do have a customised ROM. But stop! I'm pecking my keyboard most of the time.

"Which of my files should I delete?"
- Am I supposed to know?

"Where did my Microsoft Word Doc1.docx go?"
- It lets you choose the location before you hit save.

"What is 1MB?"
- Search these concepts on Google. (some of us did not have access to the Internet when we learned to do basic computer operations as curious kids.)

"What should I search?"
- ...

"My computer doesn't work.. My phone has a virus. Do you think this PC they are selling me has a good spec? Is this Video Card and RAM good?"
- I'm a programmer. I write code. I think algorithmically and solve programming problems efficiently. I analyse concepts such as abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. No, I will not fix your PC.

  • 29
    Welcome to the realm of dealing with the technologically incompetent and ignorant!

    Can you hack my friend's Facebook account?
  • 25

    "Can you hack my friend's Facebook account?"
    - Sure, give me your email and password.
  • 14
    I've got a million dollar idea! It's like Google for Instagram combined with Snapchat for Windows. Can you code it for me? I cant pay you, but I can get you exposure to all the people I know.
  • 2
    @jhh2450 Dude, I haven't bothered knowing what Snapchat actually is. XD Sorry for my ignorance. :(
  • 0
    I've heard today for the first time about 4chan!
  • 2
    @ebourgess It's not being a dick if you explain it, even if you're short. Being a dick is going full out "FUCK YOU. I AM A MOTHER FUCKING COMPUTER PROGRAMMER I WRITE CODE YOU FUCKING DUMB SACK OF SHIT. I CAN'T FIX WHATEVER YOUR DUMBASS HAS FUCKED UP."

    Also, OP could've already tried to explain the difference between IT and Computer Science to them, and they still ask these ignorant questions. 🤷
  • 0
    @jhh2450 yes, as soon as you pay the 1bill deposit.
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