On the positive note, I just installed win 10 on my PC, so I can finally play some MMO with my gf with more than 30 seconds per frame. Needless to say, my first installs were Msys2 and gvim :)

PS, any suggestions on a free casual MMO we could play together? I was thinking about TERA, but not set on anything yet.

  • 1
    Maple story, Tibia, Star Citizen ( only alpha )
  • 0
    I always used to enjoy runescape
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    Aion (NA)
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    The old Republic is good for playing a story together. Tera has the better gameplay.
  • 2
    Trove is free and very casual
  • 3
    My condolences on your new OS
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    The fucking king of casual MMOs is Guildwars 2 in my opinion.

    It has one of the most awesome rich storylines, and gameplay is uncomplicated but very enjoyable. A lot of it is about challenging jumping puzzles, finding hidden beautiful trippy caves, and following continuously updating questlines. There's very little toxicity, even in PvP it's all jolly and fun.
  • 2
    @all thanks for the suggestions, but I think I'll stick with TERA. It was really noob-friedly when I last played it and the graphics were at least acceptable, which is a must, when you play with a graphic designer ;)
  • 2
    I'd say... Try guild wars 2... It's a fun game especially since u have someone to play with... And she'll definitely appreciate the art and graphics 😁😎😉
  • 2
    Trove~ <3
  • 1
    Star wars the old republic is very casual and noob friendly - would easily recommend it for the story.
  • 1
    @yusijs KotOR looks like fun, might give it a try :)
  • 0
    The Secret World ! Definitely a good game if you don't want a MMO with casual quests like "kill x wolves, talk to him...". Read more online or give it a try, my English sucks I can't explain it properly aaaaah...
    It's free on steam tho.
  • 0
    Guild wars 2.
  • 1
    I know Black Desert isn't free. :P
  • 0
    Dungeon defenders 2
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