
Just had le first sollicitation/interview.

Went pretty good! Nice guy, very relaxed talking/environment aaand they use Linux internally so no windows for me (if I get the job)!

Although the fact that I don't plan on staying longer than a year (maybe I was too honest) wasn't a good thing to say, it was a good interview :)

  • 9
    1st job and won't stay longer than a year... Y?
  • 5
    @billgates Because I'm planning on moving to the UK in about a year and going into the cyber security world :)
  • 4
    @demiko Ethical hacker/pentester is my idea yeah haha
  • 1
    @linuxxx hmm... But Brexit I thought keeps other EU ppl out, can't just randomly walk in anymore?

    Usually I think for immigration, a company wants you and they ask the country for a work visa to let you in n work.
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    @billgates Yeah true, I'll have to figure that out by then :P
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    @ahasbini Well he literally asked me for it but yeah lesson learned 😅
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    @PaddiM8 yea life happens
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    @linuxxx I hope you get it ❤️
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    You probably said to much
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    🤞❤❤❤ hopefully they understand. My experience is rather limited, but my current job is happy I only plan on sticking around for a little while. Fingers crossed for you that this job is the same way.
  • 6
    I'd be careful disclosing your planned one year tenure. Particularly for junior talent, they are investing in showing you the ropes, knowing that your first few months probably won't be that productive. Lots of people leave after a year on the resume, but few employers want that turn over hassle.
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    Fingers crossed for you bro
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    @linuxxx I'm just warning you now from the UK, I'd much rather live somewhere warm, like trolol land ;D
  • 3
    @trogus Yup that was a mistake and the recruiter told me as well. Bright side? If I'm in for it, the recruiter is gonna try to fix two years of working there for me! Have to reply before this evening =)
  • 1
    I'm having some issues with xmonad especially with apps of jetbrains they run on java. I've found some solutions that improve my experience but not enough. Can post a link to you're xmonad.hs? I'm really curious what a good config looks like.
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    @Triskelion Tbh although I've used it a little, I'm a cinnamon user mostly, sorry! (thanked for mentioning me though, I'm honoured 😊)
  • 1
    My bad I thought I'd seen a post where you mentioned using it.

    If any one is interested in using xmonad or see what it can do.

    Click this link to geek the fuck out!
    The Dotfiles:
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