
Browsing websites with dev console open sometimes can lead to funny things :D

  • 7
    That's cool :D I'll implement that from now on.
  • 9
    if you ever see the following in console, you know I've passed by:

    "this is not a test."
  • 5
    @kunashe I'll only browse with opened console now.
  • 2
    *pickdate.js callback fired*
  • 3
    I've put the three rules of robots in my robots.txt (just like some other sites)
  • 5
    My website renders a huge monkey in console. :)
  • 3
    If you ever see "Hacking in progress" in the dev console you know I've passed by your computer, which will then be my computer ;)
  • 0
    I've lost count of how many times I've had to remind my devs to check their commits for random debugbreak(), console.log() and alert() calls. :(
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