My colleague just typed 20/20 in a calculator😨 and he didn't believe me when I insisted that it was 1😭

  • 24
    You're kidding right? Tell me you're kidding?
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    @ThatDude No he ain't the janitor,but i guess the janitor would solve that huge problem 😝

    @Jilano Thats the thing,he wasn't expecting anything.He just wanted to finish,not caring for any optimization or automation
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    This reminds me of half my engineering class.

    In calculators we trust✋... After the second or 3rd double check😌.
  • 19
    Now ask him what is 0/0 ??
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    Why is that guy anyones colleague? -.-
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    Well I guess that in *hindsight* he realised his mistake

    Ba Dum Tsss
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    Better be safe. During our final maths exam in secondary school I used calculator for most things, just be sure. Then I had to divide 9 by 2. I was like "I can do that in head". What did I write down? 3.5... Luckily it was only a point, but still, after that I promised myself that I'll always use a calculator for important calculations.
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    My colleague puts Google.com in omnibox of Google Chrome and then searches... Beat that....
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    My classmate, in software engineering once asked me if -1-1=0 !
    Yes this kind of people actually exist....
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    @p3rand0r your guy definitely beats my guy in stupidity😅
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    Well it's argued that it's more 1 if you do it this way
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    n/0 is undefined behavior.

    If you managed to do it, you could read unallocated memory and potentially unveil the secrets of the universe!
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    This is the machines! They're taking over! Give him a Captcha to verify! You never know! Hurry!
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    @abhi-inc I use a different search by default, but usually you can type Google, press tab and then it still searches Google. Except my chrome at work has decided that pressing tab will make it search Google fucking maps...
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    He had to make sure dude 😂
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    It's like when my idiot of a classmate wouldn't believe that you can start measuring from a nonzero mark on a ruler
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    @Ashkin I can read unallocated memory no problem. I don't think it holds the secrets to the universe, however.
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    @devios1 try harder 😅
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    *it saves time*
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    And those people then blame us 'cause they got automated away... -.-
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