
So today I started to learn PHP & SQL for a team web development competition where we have until January to build a functioning website and showcase it to the judges! It's a little stressful but wish me luck because I'll need it..

  • 5
    All the best. Shouldn't be too hard tough I guess, that's still 4 month to go. If you need so.e help just ask here on devrant
  • 1
    Best of luck!
  • 1
    *prepares for inevitable PHP bashing...
  • 0
    @ALivingMemory you have the right idea, I looked at some of the code for it and I already wanna not Learn it
  • 1
    Tip: avoid mixing html and php as long as you can
  • 0
    @vikaskr that's going to be difficult
  • 1
    @Bubbles Not of you use MVC and a template engine.
  • 1
    I would recommend to learn the basics quick and then switch to a framework like laravel soon - it's kinda easy to learn if you already have some experience with object oriented programming.
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