
I'm starting to hate meetings now..

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    I almost agree, I would just walk out and let them discuss how they’ll get themselves down!
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    The best companies i've worked for had the awesome idea of allowing people to decide for themselves which meetings they should attend and to walk out if they didn't feel that they could benefit from or contribute to the discussion.

    The worst are the ones where a few managers just love to hear their own voices and arrange mandatory "meetings" where everyone else is forced to listen to their inane ramblings for hours.
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    Encourage meetings to be done on pressup position
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    I just don't know what the higher-ups are thinking. They expect me to finish a major refactor task in two weeks, yet they take 2 hours of my time everyday for a meeting discussing things irrelevant to what I'm working on.

    And when I fail to finish the task on time, I'll be the one to blame. I know it. It's always been like that. Is this a sign that I need to just fucking quit?
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    Most meetings could have been done by emails man I sometimes get annoyed. Not because of the time, but because I hate walking to different buildings for meetings.
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