
Facebook was forcing me to use their messenger app to read my messages on my mobile. I used to get the desktop version and everything was annoying but worked.
Now they blocked this by redirecting when trying to do that.....

  • 1
    Yeh, it's annoying how they tryna stuff their shit down our throats.

    Desktop still works tho.
  • 0
    @lotd yeah, that's only true for the mobile site.
  • 2
    Can enable desktop mode in mobile bowser
  • 0
    @lotd I can not. Why?
  • 0
    @Divisionbyzero guess that depends on your browser.
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    @lotd I use Chrome on my mobile. 🤔
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    @Divisionbyzero tap the three dots in right upper corner, check "show computer version" :p

    If it's not there.. Well  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    @lotd do you want me to make a screencast? Do you think I'm stupid, or so? 😅
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    @Divisionbyzero requesting the desktop site on Chrome for iOS seems to just redirect to the mobile site. Just remove the m from the url.
  • 2
    @AlmostPerfekt I've an android phone and it worked until Facebook fucked all users not wanting to install their fucking spying and phone killing messenger.

    Can I try to find another way? Sure.

    Will I? Definitely not! Just fuck Facebook and leave that idiotic, racist and dumb community. There's nothing this bitch of a website offers me. 😠👿
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    Lite and Phoenix both have messenger support.
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    @AlexDeLarge its not only the contacts. This Dick's want everything. But that's not even the worst. The worst is their messenger is that shitty they even bought WhatsApp.
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    Don't forget by installing the app you agree they can monitor you 24/7

  • 1
    https://mbasic.facebook.com works and it's for mobile.
    It is the basic site for slow connections, low-end devices and so on and still includes messaging. :)
  • 0
    @21stCenturyJoku this works, thanks. Still, Facebook is a bitch.
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    Facebook messenger mines a crapton more data, so it makes sense they'd force you to use it.
  • 3
    @Ashkin yes, you're right about that. But I would rather live without internet than using their messenger.
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