
When you debugging so intense, your tabs become Toblerone.

  • 10
    That's annoying af. Not knowing what's where, scared to just x and start again. Installed Firefox a few weeks back to test after x years of not using it. I like it alot very fast the tabs are in a carousel, the tabs stay readable. I haven't used chrome since I tried it.
  • 21
    Tablerone would be appropriate in this case
  • 1
    Is it false that i am hungry and lying next to 2 empty bags(potato chips)?
  • 0
    Weolcme! You should have stopped at 3 SO tabs.
  • 0
    @samfreeman05 I missed a chance.
  • 1
    @Triskelion Right, one of favorite feature from firefox, you can scroll overflow tabs, shame that chrome don't have it.
  • 1
    Firefox has an add-on called tabtree that puts tabs on the side. Really useful when you have 50+ tabs open. I think Chromium has a similar option. The devs thought about enabling it on Chrome but then ditched the idea because "not many people would have used it".
  • 1
    please tell me you have a tab suspender 😭
  • 0
    @ParkCity I do have yeah, my ram would kill me otherwise.
  • 0
    @SoulSkrix I had one, but still prefer suspender though. Thanks btw πŸ‘Œ
  • 1
    Tab mix plus addon on Firefox allows you to have several tab rows, and even scroll through them.

    Really handy when you are doing lots of googling and need to open several dozens of tabs :)
  • 1
    Ctrl + T
  • 1
    Na the spaces between aren't large enough now. Since brexit, Toblerones been shit
  • 0
    My Tabs are always like that xD
  • 1
    I see you are very much into JAV. If you know what I...
  • 1
    @farkaskid ( Ν‘° ΝœΚ– Ν‘°)
  • 0
    My goodness close those tabs😒😒😒😒😒

    My brain hurts
  • 0
    I love how normally everyone hates Firefox and if something like this is posted the Firefox users show themselves :D
  • 0
    This fucking pisses me off so fucking much. I've stopped using chrome because of this issue and now I'm switching to Firefox because of the scrollable tab pane. I really fucking wish chrome cared about this issue because it's actually fucked up trying to scroll through tabs. And I don't care about some shitty extension that lets me see a list of my tabs.
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