  • 6
    tbh in such cases I'd just ignore them, and put the source code online for the exam as a reference on what I am able to achieve and how I approach things, if they didn't clearly state this is forbidden then I'm using it for my own gains
  • 3
    @gitpush i'm going to enact my new tool: shitcompanyscammer.com

    simply put in the email of everyone who scammed you at a company and they will be ddos'd with idiotic emails in the next 3 months

    with dynamic IP masking / dynamic geolocating of course - most of these companies that are the type to ghost master devs, at this point, just won't even understand what this means or how to track it & just fucking deserve it, sorry
  • 1
    @fullstackcircus I wouldn't blame you for that, people need to work yet companies are taking advantage that they will later also pay its price
  • 3
    @fullstackcircus You'll end up doing that 90% of the time in that case.

    Recruiters are a terrible breed of terrible. You can't expect them to keep promises, tell the truth or be decent human beings. To them you're just cattle, the next pile of work they have to fake a relationship with to try to get their commission. If they work out they're unlikely to get it out of you, either because you're not a good fit for the role or because they've filled the position already, they'll just blank you until you're useful to them again.

    The only way you win is by treating them the same way. Assume they're taking you for a ride, cut them off as soon as they're not useful without explanation, and ignore any message you don't like.
  • 0
    @AlmondSauce my case is worse: it's not a recruiter, its someone directly from that companie's HR just straight up ignoring me
  • 3
    @fullstackcircus Still a recruiter - just an internal one. They may *sometimes* be a bit better because they have their company's reputation on the line, but most of the time they're just as bad in my experience.
  • 0
    @AlmondSauce sigh... its a dead end everywhere isn't it?

    also, i wanna know what almond sauce tastes like
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