
A good far right is a dead far right

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    okay dude
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    I don't get it, is this a situation meant to demonstrate someone not wanting to refer to someone by their preferred gender or something like that?
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    My birth certificate doesn't have my weight lol
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    Last time I saw a discussion like that was at registration for an official sports event.
    It's also the only thing I really care about.
    No matter how much you want to ignore it there are biological differences and it's pretty binary (intersex being the exception) and the way you are born (which is exactly what a birth cert is proof of) has a significant impact on sports performance.

    Any other case I don't give a shit about your biological/sexual functions or politics around it. Fortunately in this country most people feel the same, although I was surprised to see some of the American crap blowing over here too a few years ago. Trying to remove gay rights and abortion rights.
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    Be it far left or far right... both are fucking retards.
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    Leave it to the socialists to incite violence. Where in history have I seen this before I wonder...
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    Fine by me as long not a they
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    @retoor they/them/seemingly entitled pronouns are not understood/accepted by me/us. However misunderstanding/lack of acceptance I demonstrate/express leads to/causes multilayer anxiety/self-doubt. There is/are no solution/solutions/cope mechanisms discovered/invented as of now. The problem/challenge is anxiety-inducing/haunting and feels like it can/will/cannot produce a chain reaction/crisis/breakout/meltdown of vision/world view/stance/life philosophy. Reaching/achieving/approaching that state is inevitable/imminent. Anxiety/--x-- is there.
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    Is there a better way to say someone is sexist than being oh-so concerned with what someone else has in their pants?
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    @ostream But we're not supposed to repeat history just to shell out "their own medicine". We're supposed to learn from history and avoid such stuff!

    I find "progressive" people to be quite regressive in this regard. It's always about revenge, forcing ideologies, censoring unwanted opinions on all levels from social to political, punishment of wrongthink etc... Always with the "us vs. them" mentality... It's like we just climbed down from trees and discovered tribes and war all over again

    sigh... disappointing...
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    @ostream You're literally just saying "Violence is good because violence is bad""

    Being attacked for any reason is obviously grounds for self defense, but not grounds for pre-emptively attacking out everyone you disagree with. Infact you're no better from your average racist or homophobe then. You advocate for people to go around and attack anyone who they don't like, which is ironically what you're also complaining about.. Makes no sense man

    also "how convenient blah blah.." waw... you're really going to be that petty? That's essentially like a kid saying "but they started it!"... Yes, being a good fucking human being is "not fair".. what of it? Life sucks, and it will stay that way as long as people keep pouring gasoline on the fucking fire...
  • 6
    You're all fucking retarded. All of you. Go to twatter for this shit, seriously.
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    @ostream Duh, because they don't wear glasses
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    @ostream Touché
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    @ostream "Yeah murdering Jews and murdering Nazis are totally the same thing. Both sides are bad"

    No no no. He does have a point. Murdering Nazis is business. Murdering Jews is pleasure.
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    "far right" is a construct of the mentally ill.

    The illusion of choice is still an illusion.
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