
I feel like IE is an example of a deep rooted demon beast that spawns fucktarded bloat transpilers like BABEL.
When companies try to invent their own wheels, or do their own thing is when the pits of developer hell start to spawn such fucking convoluted fucktarded bullshit.

Abstract to Design:
I'm trying to think of a world where things are standardized, as boring as it sounds... Imagine if companies weren't so fucktarded with greedy smoke and mirrors, and they all contributed to making a single product standardized and workable, and improve on that product... Like a physics "Standard model" but for each product invented.

But no... here we are... 20 million ways to accomplish one similar task, with 20 million different designs, with majority adhering to their own flaws... or planned obsolecence... 10 million booby traps of consumer remorse.

Why do we do this as a society just to make some bastard company's profit margin go up, so they can keep competing in the "free market" of fuck all fuckery?

I get it.. yea... innovation... sure..
but sometimes innovation is just a means to and end of sanity, especially when they are proprietary, and especially when that proprietary shit turns to, well... shit!

In a perfect world, things will be designed open-sourced, compatible, and improved upon without "breaking" changes... but this is virtually impossible without standardization of the VERY fundamental components. But then those components can be improved, and might be smaller/lighter/more efficient by design, and simply wont work with the old versions without drastic "TRANSPILATION"

I suppose this is the way it is always going to be... Neverending stream of design "improvements". I suppose being a developer in todays world is a bittersweet existence... unless you're just trying to make ends meet... in that case. I think I might be in hell.

Take a look at web-dev today with all the "improvements" ... it's literally turned into a jungle of FUCK MY LIFE. A giant dick waiving contest with all these dicks colliding against each other in cluster fuck bombardment.

God help us all.... and now back to coding.

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    In a perfect world we wouldn't need to have a sandboxed clientside language at all, because we would just trust eachother. The open source argument i'd say is not a must, but i definitely agree on it all being standardized. Europeans are pretty good in standardizing and regulating shit, maybe they get around to do that in the digital world at some point aswell lol 😂
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    Well, in the particular example of browsers, most things *are* standardized. It's just IE is antediluvian, from an era where such standards did not exist (or at least not agreed by Microsoft).

    And since companies refuse to update shit every 3 months, (and reasonably so), they like to stay with their old known shit (to the point IE is still a thing, even if that is not reasonable).

    JavaScript is the other side of the problem. Instead of a mature speccing and standardizing system (which it has now), it ran on a makeshift run and bail fast methodology.

    Thus there were 17 different solutions to each problem (see modules, promises, etc...). And companies will never invest resources in playing that bullshit, hence why tools like babel spawn.
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    We don't have to put up with this shit. We could go back to the basics and create a simpler web. It will take years and you will be called every name in the book, but it can be done. Big tech will try and squash it because they don't want simple. They want a barrier to entry.

    Apps sort of do this. They create an interface and communicate how they want. So an app could be created that is just a simpler web. Maybe something similar to Lynx?
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    Most Software is bloat anyway, and can easily be replaced by simpler versions of itself.
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