
When you type a shitload of instructions for someone in a support ticket reply and after a little you get a reply where they give you all the thanks and that they appreciate it etc.

That makes your day great as a support person 😍

  • 0
    Be nice to people and most of them will return it...
  • 1
    Never been there but I can feel that
  • 1
    As a guy who works in QA and does the QA-Toolchain support I believe to know both sides
    - Having to ask for support or an action (e.g.: ask the developer to check/fix sth, contact the third level support from our contractor)
    - Being the one who receives the service request (you know handling the customers)

    I can not believe how insensitive some of my coworkers are when it comes to this subject
  • 0
    @linuxxx it's a trick!! Hide!
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