Senior Dev: "Be mindful of what you email to the team, some may be rubbed the wrong way."

Me: "I'm going on a year, I figured it was okay to send a meme when appropriate like [the other guy]."

Senior Dev: "Well, [the other guy] has been here for 17 years, so it's sort of expected from him."

Me: "You know what would be weird? If I was here for 17 more years and then 'started' having fun with the team."

Senior Dev: "Yes, but [the other guy] is the only one doing his particular job, which makes him important, so he tends to get away with more."

Me: "No, I get it. If you're a linchpin you can reply with cat memes, but people like me need to mind their place."

Senior Dev: "It's an uncomfortable conversation, but it's all bureaucracy."

Me: "Duly noted. But could you please forward me the specific email I sent that caused the concern?"

Senior Dev: "I'm not sure what the exact email was, when it was sent, or specifically whom it offended."

Me: "Okay, because that would be like me walking up to you and saying that you have a problem that needs to be fixed, but I don't know what your problem is or why it needs to be addressed."

Senior Dev: "You're right, but just be mindful of the emails you send outside of the group."

Me: "I've never group-emailed anything outside of the team."

Senior Dev: "Well, I'll let you get back to work..."

[FML!] 🤦‍♂️

  • 3
    Talk about being uptight. Yeesh.
  • 7
    Some people get smarter with experience.. Others just become assholes..
  • 2
    I believe you have every right to enjoy a stressball after this convo.
    It is also nice to see that someone cares for you and tries to explain things even if it is a total fail.
    Hopefully you wont turn in to a dull machine after long years and still have fun from what you do and share it with others.
  • 1
    Once we received this Russians girl hookup spam like directors, managers everyone, to our orgs distro list.

    You know, one of those "Hello, my name is Natasha and I found you om this site and want to meet you" kind of thing.

    I was about a year old in that job, I replied "dibs!" to all people on that conversation, It was funny, nothing happened. 😬
  • 0
    This is a horrible general attitude from bureaucratic seniors thinking the workplace is supposed to be run like a mob gang with dirty cousin felipe as somebody to be treated above the law because he/she is senior... Bullshit attitude. Feel so sorry for you man.
  • 1
    "Also could you please not post our converstation to devRant"

    Welcome even though a bit late
  • 1
    @rusty-hacker I know! I keep that in mind whenever I post on here. If I keep things factual and relatively vague, I can let other people draw conclusions and avoid stepping on toes.
  • 1
    Equivalent of sitting there quietly and him coming by telling you to keep your voice down.
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