When someone tells me that Java is the easiest programming language

  • 4
    I think they forgot to append "Script" :^)
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    It's pretty easy but it ain't got nothing on brain fuck, that shit easy! *Sarcasm*
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    Yes it is
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    It can really be an easy language if you use it with a good and cosistent api. Java was my fundation for advanced programming topics and tk get a good understanding of software architecture that you are not going to get from most other languages. Imho if you know Java well then you are set for understanding most languages.
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    @craftxbox welcome to devRant. Though I can't say JS is an easy language. Maybe in the face of it. Took me ages to fully grasp "this"
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    "easy" isn't easy to define.

    I sometimes wonder what imperative/oo languages look like if a person only knows something like clojure or haskell. So I experiment on my non coding girlfriends.
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    JavaScript is nice if you write like a small script in it. If you write algorithms in it... well. type conversion and whatever features will fuck you up. is null a value? or is undefined? are they the same? is "3" the same as 3? is 3 === "3" the same as 3 == "3"?

    JavaScript never tells you to learn the difference. it will just silently fuck you over if you don't.

    But, coming from JavaScript. I found Java rather easy to get the hang of honestly.

    (also, you should have seen my face when I found out that arrow functions keep the context of where they are called from. my colleague still uses "var self = this" everywhere)
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    @balte no language will tell you you're doing something wrong. These are well documented spec.

    Have you learnt C? You have to deal with the fact if you try to access an array beyond what you've defined, it won't complain, it will just access what's next in memory.
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    @theScientist or just use decent linting that will explicitly tell you to use ===
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    @Hedgepig I'm still in the first chapter of Kernighan and Ritchie's. :$

    Too many projects to finish to also learn a new language :(
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    All the languages are easy if you don't know how to use them
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