
What a nightmare... writing code with 5 other people at the same time.

  • 19
    Watching git conflicts in real time lol
  • 12
    Honestly, everyone would be sitting at the top of the page still and one dude would be typing everything out. Occasionally someone notices a spelling mistake and they fix it. But otherwise everyone's sitting and listening.
  • 1
    I would just substitute variable names with emojis.
  • 16
    This is what managers think that efficient coding looks like 😆
  • 5
    I hope this is a joke and doesn't scare anyone away from the idea of Live Share.

    It is normally done with one person typing and the others just following along or reading ahead. As you'd do with a screen share during mob programming. But the benefit is no one has to asks "can you zoom and stay at the top of the file so I have time to read the code?" 😆

    You usually have one coder and the rest can silently remeber mistakes or look ahead to see if other files will be affected.

    I rarely do live sharing with more than 2 people but once in a while it's useful to have everyone on board for a short mob session.
  • 0
    @jiraTicket I understand there are some rare scenarios where it's useful, and usually in "read-only mode" for other participants, but still I can't understand why it's advertised as a major feature for an IDE.
  • 2
    It's a nightmare. It destroys productivity instead of improving it.
  • 2
    @kobenz that’s what they believe where I work. I absolutely hate it and keep telling them during retro meetings. 90% it’s a waste of time. But let’s keep doing it
  • 1
    Yo this the coolest shit i seen why it aint popular
  • 7
    Everyone: This is a very bad idea.
    @b2plane: Why it aint popular?
  • 0
    @mansur85 JetBrains Fleet
  • 0
    Ya might wanna hide names if ur posting it
  • 1
    @chonky-quiche tell Jetbrains about that, the image is on their webpage
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    @cafecortado but like on the screenshot before u post it to the internet
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    @JS96 Perhaps not a MAJOR feature. but it can be nice for remote teams who that do a lot of mob programming and normally use screenshare.

    An annoying part of screensharing to me is that there's often some detail that people get hung up on. Like "could you indent this part. and on 160 you could extract that object to a separate variable and move it to the top...line 115. no, wait now you changed it...not I mean line 110" 😆 can be tedious

    Especially when teaching someone who's unfamiliar.

    Good thing about Live Share is the main coder can pause and let someone else take over and do their little refactoring for real - instead of trying to describe it.
  • 0
    @kobenz 👀👀👀
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