
Fuck virtual reality environments and their inaccurate physics. 😑😑😑

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    Maybe it's the real world that has inaccurate physics
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    @electrineer I don't respond to made-up facts. 😒
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    So what do you want ? VR where you can escape the flaws of real life ? Or VR that simulates exactly like real life ? The last one would be to take the same injuries and forces when you hit a wall in the VR racing sim... 🤷‍♂️
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    @Grumm just the fucking collision meshes working would be enough!
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    @NoMad more often than not you can clip into stuff by just moving your headset. So yeah totally agreed.
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    I wish I was smart enough to understand the nitty-gritty of VR dev and particle physics.
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    @SidTheITGuy fuck that particle physics! Cool concept, but god fucking dammit it's computationally super heavy when done realistically, and some engines promise to provide it but end up giving some shitshow of object (And I'm not talking about just water)
    Also fuck the particles collision! 😑 it's a fuck up, you hear me?
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    @NoMad Yeah I know, I can watch VR devs do their thing like I'd look at the Mona Lisa painting.

    I know I can't do a similar looking portrait ever, but I can appreciate the complexity, even though I don't understand anything.
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    I'm on the other side of the fence. I want vr robots to do things and then transfer that to reality. At this point in time, it's nearly impossible because of fucking vr physics. 😑
    If any of you wants a better robotic future, get into research and fix this shit. I'm not a fucking material physicist.
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    game devs out there: physics is haaaaaaard T_____________T
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    @AleCx04 hard like my dick. But we can't all have what we want. 🙄🙄🙄
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    @AleCx04 to be real tho, game devs often do better physics than fucking simulation folks. Game devs understand physics is actually useful. Simulation people get all artsy and make it pretty but useless.

    Those collision meshes actually mean something to robotics folks! 🤬
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    @NoMad VR physics went all quantum tunneling on you
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    @NoMad Try berating and harassing the community.. you might get devs to help you 😆
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    @NoMad you just did though? 😁
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    @MammaNeedHummus it wasn't made up
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    @MammaNeedHummus I responded to the concept of his comment and not its content 😜
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