That brief moment in life when you realize no one actually cares about half the stuff you say.
Man does it suck to be depressed.

  • 4
    I'll be telling my sister (pharmacist) stories of cool tech shit and she hits me with the Bighead "smile and nod."

    To be fair, I do it to her too. She'll start talking about medicine and I get lost asf lol
  • 9
    Brief moment?

    If only 🙁
  • 4
    That's why we have devRant mate
  • 2
    I know the feeling, that's why I spend more time talking to plants and trees and rabbits, cos I know they are more interested than humans are...
  • 19
    @Jonnyforgotten It will sound like a creep thing to do, but I have this lovely buddy called myself who can talk in a few languages and actually listens xD Loneliness is something I'm used to at this point, but it still hurts.

    I do write to some people, but talking in real life is a pain. I have nearly nothing in common with most people here. So I have to rely on good old internet for friends... And gaming.
  • 18
    @Jilano That last part gets me every time.
  • 2
    @BlueNutterfly @irene totally know how you feel, I feel like I've been alone for most of my life, think that's what makes devrant so special.
  • 2
    Have you tried something like meetup.com to help meet other people similar to yourself nearby? Or perhaps start a group of your own?
  • 2
    @Jonnyforgotten no, I posted here in hopes to see if i'm not alone. Many of the comments helped so far. I do have friends in the tech field to talk to.
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