
Just first time tried an OpenAI PHP client package and this is what I got as a response on first request ☠️

  • 3
    i don't buy it
  • 6
    Openai can't say dick sucking
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy there's nothing to buy here, try it yourself, pretty sure you'll get the same thing after couple of tries. Their API available models (no gpt4) are tripping out big time.

    Here's another response for same example:
  • 1
    another one
  • 1
    and another one
  • 1
    and yet another one
  • 0
    Why are the responses so short. I had responses of thousand words (was in my request)
  • 1
    @retoor their php client library requests by default response limit size of 20 tokens. Can be tweaked though, but this is the code of their first getting started example on github.
  • 1
    Seems spot on
  • 0
    What kind of response is that
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