The newest Win10 Update freed up 13GB on a 32GB laptop, so fucking happy, holy shit - I had to watch every little thing that couldn't go onto the microsd because windows was always leaving me only max. 2GB, now I can just blast it all onto the fast storage!

  • 2
    Have you tried the windows cleanup?
  • 1
    The 「Fall Creators Update」?
  • 3
    😔 the 32GB drives are useless, I guess they’re cheap but useless, when your running a full fledged OS and desktop.

    I can barely keep a 128GB drive from filling up on a daily basis.
  • 0
    @Jop- It only deleted the one created before the update the other one is still there, its magic

    @C0D4 I use this laptop on very mobile trips for medium coding only, where my fullsized laptop just wont work and it has worked pretty great, I got even VS to load its files from microsd, but having 13gb available gives me the freedom to finally put all IDEs on the internal drive

    @StazC I think yes? 1709 basically.
  • 0
    @GieltjE I did thousands of times before and it didnt delete anythinf back then
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